awe example sentences

Related (5): wonder, amazement, reverence, admiration, astonishment

" awe" Example Sentences

1. The towering statue filled me with awe.
2. I gazed in awe at the vast expanse of the universe.
3. The glorious sunset filled me with awe and wonder.
4. We stood in awe of the majestic mountains.
5. The ancient ruins inspired a sense of awe and mystery.
6. The artwork inspired feelings of wonder and awe in the viewers.
7. I stared in awe at the enormous wave that was about to crash over me.
8. The scale of the construction project filled me with awe.
9. The immense power of the storm left me feeling small and in awe.
10. The skill of the artist left me in a state of awe and admiration.
11. The massive redwood tree towered over us, inspiring feelings of awe.
12. The immense power and strength of the wild ocean inspired awe and fear.
13. The magnificent waterfalls left us staring in wonder and awe.
14. The grandeur of the palace filled visitors with awe and admiration.
15. The complexity of nature filled him with a sense of awe and humility.
16. The profound insight and wisdom of the books left me in awe.
17. The display of military might left everyone in awe and wonder.
18. The intricacy of the clockwork mechanism filled us with awe.
19. The sheer size of the asteroid left scientists gazing in awe.
20. The vast array of stars in the night sky filled me with awe and wonder.
21. The sheer power and brutality of the hurricane left everyone feeling in awe.
22. We gazed in awe at the sheer magnitude of the destruction left by the tornado.
23. I stared in awe at the vast migration of birds moving as one across the sky.
24. The famous singer's powerful voice inspired feelings of awe in the crowd.
25. We gazed in awe at the massive channels carved through the rock formations.
26. I stared in awe at the vast, open expanse of the prairie.
27. The immense intelligence of the scientist filled audiences with awe and admiration.
28. The complexity of the ecosystem filled me with a sense of awe and wonder.
29. The intricate beauty of the butterfly's wings filled me with awe.
30. The towering mountain range inspired feelings of awe and reverence.
31. The vast endlessness of space filled me with awe.
32. I was filled with awe and wonder at the massive bull elephant standing before me.
33. The crowd gazed in wonder and awe at the display of fireworks.
34. The engineer's complex designs filled me with awe and wonder.
35. The tremendous age of the giant redwood tree inspired feelings of awe.
36. The splendid glory of the palace inspired feelings of awe and admiration.
37. The sheer magnitude of the universe left me gazing in awe and wonder.
38. The intricate web of connections filled me with a sense of awe at nature's design.
39. His vast knowledge and intellect filled me with awe and admiration.
40. The priest's profound spiritual wisdom inspired feelings of awe and reverence.
41. The immense force of thunder and lightning left me gazing in awe.
42. We gazed in awe at the vast destruction left by the volcanic eruption.
43. The astronomer's vast knowledge about space filled the students with awe.
44. The crowd watched in awe as the acrobat performed incredible feats.
45. The intricate machinery filled the visitors with awe and wonder.
46. The majesty of the snow-capped mountain range left us gazing in awe.
47. The incredible musical talent of the child prodigy filled the audience with awe.
48. The sheer power of the hurricane left everyone gazing in awe and trepidation.
49. The breathtaking night sky filled me with a sense of awe at the vastness of the universe.
50. The courage displayed by the soldiers filled audiences with awe and admiration.
51. I watched in awe as the pair of eagles danced through the sky.
52. The vast scale of the universe filled me with a sense of humility and awe.
53. The acrobat's incredible physical prowess inspired feelings of awe in the crowd.
54. The inspiring words from the speech filled the audience with awe and wonder.
55. The groundbreaking discoveries by the team of scientists filled those in the know with awe.
56. The magnificent view from the mountaintop filled me with awe and wonder.
57. The profound insights from the wise master filled his students with awe.
58. The lofty architectural design of the building inspired feelings of awe in onlookers.
59. The incredible generosity of the philanthropist filled people with awe and admiration.
60. The breathtaking display of aerial acrobatics left the crowd gazing in awe.

Common Phases

1. The majestic peaks filled her with awe.
2. The little girl looked up at the giant redwood trees in wide-eyed awe.
3. The unfathomable vastness of the universe filled him with awe and wonder.
4. I stood in awe at the base of Mount Everest.
5. The concert hall fell into complete silence and awe as the orchestra began to play.
6. His students listened in awe as he told stories of his adventures overseas.
7. The little boy looked at his birthday presents with wide-eyed awe.
8. The intricate design of the stained glass windows filled the chapel with a sense of awe and reverence.
9. She spoke with awe of the great artists and thinkers of the past.
10. The filmmaker used special effects to create scenes of wonder and awe for the audience.
11. I stood in awe at the brilliant northern lights dancing across the night sky.
12. The magnificent architecture of the cathedral inspired awe in all who gazed upon it.
13. The crowd watched in awe as the skydivers fell from the plane in perfect formation.
14. I couldn't help but stand in awe of the skill and craftsmanship of the sculptor's work.
15. The grandeur of the Swiss Alps overwhelmed me with a sense of awe and mystery.
16. She gazed in awe at the brilliantly colored stained glass windows.
17. He listened in wide-eyed awe as his grandfather told tales of life long ago.
18. The dawning realization filled her with awe and disbelief.
19. We looked in awe at the massive underwater coral reef teeming with life.
20. She stared in awe at the bright full moon hanging low in the midnight sky.
21. The impressive display of fireworks filled the night sky and inspired awe in the crowd below.
22. He gazed in wide-eyed awe at the inconceivable size and age of the universe.
23. The mother looked at her newborn baby with a sense of awe and wonder.
24. The crashing waves and rocky cliffs inspired feelings of awe and reverence in the pilgrims.
25. The dark silence of the forest filled her with a sense of awe and mystique.
26. We watched in awe as the rainforest came to life at night with the activity of nocturnal creatures.
27. The little boy looked up at the towering redwood trees with a sense of awe and wonder.
28. The display of synchronized swimming elicited gasps of awe from the crowd.
29. The conductor's baton moved with an elegance that inspired awe in the orchestra musicians.
30. The little girl stared in open-mouthed awe at the massive dinosaur skeleton in the museum.
31. The ornate hand-carved details filled him with quiet awe at the craftsman's skill.
32. The splendid view from the mountaintop elicited gasps of awe and wonder.
33. She was filled with awe at the thought of humanity's achievements over the centuries.
34. The immense strength and grace of the lion inspired feelings of awe in the viewers.
35. The girl felt a sense of awe and wonder as she gazed up at the Milky Way on a clear night.
36. We listened in awe as the lone violinist performed a mournful melody.
37. As the sun rose over the desert, I was filled with awe at the beauty before me.
38. The boom of thunder and flash of lightning filled me with a childlike sense of awe and wonder.
39. The athletes clenched their jaws in awe as they watched the record-breaking performance.
40. The skaters held their breath in awe as their teammate executed a perfect triple axle jump.
41. The orchestra fell silent mid-performance, filled with awe at the singer's stunning voice.
42. The intricate details and mathematical precision of the clock left him in silent awe.
43. I gazed at the vast ocean with a sense of insignificance and awe.
44. The pope carried himself with a quiet dignity and authority that inspired awe.
45. The hand-stitched embroidery filled her with awe at the seamstress's patience and talent.
46. His words of wisdom filled her with a sense of wonder and awe.
47. As the curtain fell, the audience leapt to their feet in an outpouring of awe and excitement.
48. The intricate weaving patterns filled the art collector with awe at the craftsman's skill.
49. The crowd fell silent in awe as the tightrope walker began her high-wire act.
50. We looked in awe at the massive towering cliffs of the Grand Canyon.
51. The stillness of the ancient ruins filled them with a sense of awe and wonder.
52. Her heart swelled with joy and awe at the beauty of the birth of her first child.
53. The intricate carvings filled us with awe at the artist's patience and skill.
54. The crowd watched in hushed awe as the Olympic flame was lit.
55. The rowers strained against their oars in silent awe of the mighty river before them.
56. We looked in awe at the towering skyscrapers that seemed to touch the clouds.
57. The little girl gazed in awe at the starry night sky above her family's farm.
58. The mother gazed at her newborn with wide-eyed wonder and awe.
59. We watched in childlike awe as the sun's rays gilded the mountaintops in gold.
60. The vast numbers and precision of the swarming ants left her in silent awe.

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